Life Insurance Specialist, P&C Agent
P&C Service, Personal Lines
Insurance is Becca’s second career, having earned her insurance license in 2008. She worked for nearly 30 years in the automotive repair industry, wearing many hats throughout the course of her tenure: Sales, Corporate Trainer, Accounts Payable & Receivable, Wholesale and Government Account Management, and finally Commercial Store Manager. The core values she learned in early childhood and throughout her first career have continued to guide her as she progresses through this current path in her life. Becca values honesty and trust and strives to build that relationship with each client.
Becca grew up in the South and learned to water ski at age 3. At the age of 8, she began competing in Slalom. Now that she is old (so old), the water ski has been retired and replaced with other interests. Becca loves to read, and more often than not, has her nose buried in multiple tomes at the same time. She also loves to garden, cross-stitch, and cook. When she collapses from exhaustion, she is often flanked by her husband and 2 adorable dogs, Jake and Molly.